tirsdag 11. august 2015

Undeniable Proof of Jesus (888), God, 777, 37 & 73 Encoded in the first verse: Genesis 1:1 in several Layers! (Click here to read)



The first verse of the Bible "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." has all the proof you need that God exists and is the author of the Bible, And even that Jesus is God's Son.

Many researchers have understood that there are different signifances to numbers. This info (exept number 8) is from The Restored Church of God: www.RCG.org
Number 7 conveys spiritual perfection, as represented in the seven-day week, the seventh-day Sabbath, and the seven annual Holy Days.
Number 3 is associated with completeness or resurrection. Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days & nights and Jesus was buried in the earth for three days and three nights.
Number 1 signifies unity or beginnings.Ephesians 4:3-6, “Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit…There is one body, and one Spirit…One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all…”
The number 8 symbolizes restoration & a new beginning.read more about it here: http://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/8.html

This awsome first verse is the most coded words in existance i believe; but it is the first lesson in God's coding (Not numerology). God's Codes in the Bible are in several layers.
The Hebrew alphabet has numbers assigned to them, this is called gematria, Here is the Hebrew alphabet with it's values:                       

(Image taken from www.Biblewheel.com)
This is the modern Hebrew alphabet with 27 letters, the ancient alphabet (Aramaic) consisted of only 22 letters with the letter Tav (400) as the last letter. This Main numerical System is called Standard.
 Now there is another numbering system on this alphabet that was used by the Hebrew's called Ordinal where the values of each letter had a natural sequence from 1. eks A=1, B=2, C=3 and on.

The word "Wisdom" in hebrew has a value of 73, while in Ordinal system it becomes 37. These two number's 37 & 73 are selected by God to be "Key Numbers" in his Codes.

The Mathematical Web 

The total value of Genesis 1:1 is 2701 which is 73X37. 37 is a very important number that are central in God's Codes here. The numbers 666,777, 888 is made up of 37's. number 21 (7+7+7) can aslo be written as a 37 like this 3X7= 21. Now 777= 37X(3X7), 888 (Jesus)= 37X(8+8+8).

Number 37 and 73 are reversals of each other.
Their prime number order numbers are also reversals (37 is prime number 12, while 73 is prime number 21). (Prime numbers are numbers that only can be divded by itself or 1).

Now take the total value of Genesis 1:1, 2701 and add its reversal, 1027: 2701+1027= 3773.
2701 is the 73rd Triangle (1+2+3+4...73)  (it means that we can make a 2d Figurate Triangle out of this number).

Both number 37 & 73 are Star numbers, 37 is the 3rd and 73 is the 4th making their order number 7.

Now to see another Jesus Code here we just have to take the total value: 2701 and remove 37;
2701-37= 888X3.

Here are the seven first triangular numbers (triangles), the 7 first Star numbers & the 4 first Centerd Hexagons. every figurate numbers like these starts with the number 1 which signifies unity or beginnings Unity. Also note that Jesus Christ is the first of the first-fruits that will join him at his return.


                                                                   Star Numbers:

                                                              Centered Hexagons:
(Image from Biblewheel.com)

Number 37 &73 are both Star numbers.
The Star number 4 (73) can have the 4th Centered Hexagon of 37 in it's center (displayed below).

Number 37 is the main number and it has a rare property, it is both a Centered Hexagon & a Star Number. Here are the 12 first numbers that are both a Centerd Hexagon & A Star numbers:
1, 37, 1261, 42841, 1455337, 49438621, 1679457781, 57052125937, 1938092824081, 65838103892821, 2236557439531837, 75977114840189641 (as we see there are very few)

(Image from Biblewheel.com)

Mathematical Patters

Dr. Panin found a mathematical system of 7's gramatical layer of the Bible from the first verse to the last verse without error.  Here is the result's of the codes of number 7 & 37 he found in Genesis 1:1.

Dr. Panin found 31 codes of 7 in the First verse Genesis 1:1 displayed below:

1. The 7 words of Genesis 1:1 has 28 (7X4) letters.
2. The value of the first and last letters of the first half of the verse = 42 (7X6).
3. The value of the first and last letters of the second half = 91 (7X13).
4. The three nouns (God, Heaven and earth) is made up of 14 letters (7X2). 5.    The sum of the three nouns (God, heaven and earth) equals 777 (7X111).
6. The place value of these three nouns is 147 (7X21).
7.    The Hebrew verb created has a gematria value of 203 (7X29).
8. The first 3 words contain the subject and are made up of14 letters. 9.    The place value of these letters equals 140 (7X20).
10. Of these 14, the place value of the silent letters equals 28 (7X4). 11. And the place value of the non-silent letters equals 112 (7X16).
12. The odd numbers among the 14 = 42 (7X6).
13. Even numbers among the 14 sums to 98 (7X14).
14. Multiplying the 14 place values of letters by their order is 1,008 (7X144). 15. The four last words contain the object and also is made up of 14 letters.
16. The object “The Heavens + the untranslatable word has seven letters, as does the object “and the earth”.
17. The value of the first and last letters of all words = 1,393 (7X199).
18. The sum of the first and last letters of the first and last words = 497 (7X71). 19. The value of the first & the last letters of each word between= 896 (7X128).
20. The sum of the factors of 896 = 21 (7X3).
21. The first letters of the first and last words has the value of 7.
22. The value of last letters of the first and last words equal 490 (7X70).
23. The middle word and the one before it are made up of 7 letters.
24. The middle word and the one after it are made up of 7 letters.
25. The value of the first, middle, and last letters = 133 (7X19).
26. The two digits added of the value of (86) “God” (8 + 6) = 14 (7X2).
27. The values of the letters in God added (1, 30, 5, 10, 40) = 14 (7X2).
28. The sum of the place value in the letters of “God” (1,12,5,10,13) = 14 (7X2).
29. The number of these place-values is 7.

30. Because of contractions in Hebrew (similar to the English isn't), the vocabulary of Gen. 1:1 is larger than the seven words of the verse. The nine-word vocabulary of Gen. 1:1 has the value of 2275 (7X325).
31. The place value of the vocabulary = 259 (7X37).

Dr. Panin also found 23 different combinations of 37's within the 7 words:

1. 296 = 37X8
2. 407 = 37X11
3. 86 + 395 = 481 (37X13)
4. 407 + 296 = 703 (37X19) - 37th triangle
5. 86 + 395 + 296 = 777 (37X21)
6. 86 + 395 + 407 = 888 (37X24)
7. 913 + 86 = 999 (37X27)
8. 203 + 401 + 395 = 999 (37X27)
9. 86 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 1184 (37X32)
10. 203 + 401 + 395 + 296 = 1295 (37X35)
11. 913 + 86 + 296 = 1295 (37X35)
12. 913 + 86 + 407 = 1406 (37X38)
13. 203 + 401 + 395 + 407 = 1406 (37X38)
14. 913 + 203 + 401 = 1517 (37X41)
15. 913 + 86 + 407 + 296 = 1702 (37X46)
16. 203 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 1702 (37X46)
17. 913 + 203 + 401 + 296 = 1813 (37X49)
18. 913 + 203 + 401 + 407 = 1924 (37X52)
19. 913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 = 1998 (37X54)
20. 913 + 203 + 401 + 407 + 296 = 2220 (37X60)
21. 913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 296 = 2294 (37X62)
22. 913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 = 2405 (37X65)
23. 913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 2701 (37X73) - 73rd triangle


Combining the Words

Now the word Jesus is only found in the New Testament originally which was written in Greek.
The Old Testament was written in Ancient Hebrew
We have to see what Jesus equals written in these two languages to find him coded in this verse.

Dr.Panin who was the first person who found mathematical patterns in the Bible found these two combinations:
The words “God” (86) + “the Heaven” (395) + “the earth” (296) = 777
The words “God” (86) + “the Heaven” (395) + “and” (407) equals (86+395+407) = 888 

Number 777 is known to represent God and since the Number 7 stands for "Spiritual Perfection" we also know number 3 stands for "Completeness". 
Number 888 = Jesus written in Greek. and the name "Jesus" only appears in the New Testament originally written in Greek.

I myself found this combination:
The three first words added minus the last word = 913+203+86-296 = 906 the English Common gematria (A=6 B=12…) of “Jesus Christ”. 


Jesus, 777, 37 & 73 between the letters of Genesis 1:1

Now the word Jesus is only found in the New Testament originally which was written in Greek.
The Old Testament was written in Ancient Hebrew. We have to see what Jesus equals written in these two languages to find him coded in this verse.

 I Found Jesus encoded in this first verse three times between the letters, Twice 888 and once 397. Both 888 is found starting in the word "God" and ends in the word "And". adding the letters inbetween gives us the code "God And Jesus (888)" Twice! for double confirmation!

777X2 is found from the middle letter in the word "God" to the last letter added:

703 (37X19) = 37th Triangle, If we count from its reversal 307 to the number 703, we hit 397 (Jesus in Hebrew).
713 = all prime numbers added from number 1 to 73.


Jesus in the Design

I found this Code in the English King James Bible, and is only found if we number each book of the Bible from 1 to 66, And number each Chapter eks Genesis 1, 2 ,3...
When done we see that the number 7 alone and number 37 alone is found exactly 7X397 times! 7X(Jesus is Hebrew) Astonishing when also think about Panin's findings of these two numbers in the first verse.

Another Jesus Code relatet to 37 is if we write Jesus Christ in English and copy the numeric value from the Hebrew alphabet and put it on the English we get these values:
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=20 L=30 M=40 N=50 O=60 P=70 Q=80 R=90 S=100 T=200 U=300 V=400 W=500 X=600 Y=700 Z=800

Jesus Christ  =  925    -     37    =      888 (discovered by John Tng)

Another code connected to our English alphabet is If we  assign a reversed Ordinal value on our alphabet (A=26 ,B=25 Z=1) "In the beginning God created the heaven and earth" = 777. (discovered by me)

Now this code is in the number of letters of each word (discovered by me):

there are 6 letters in the 1st word, 3 letters in the 2nd, 5 letters in the 3rd,                 
2 letters in the 4th word, 5 letters in the 5th and 3 letters in the 6th word                   
Now combine these six numbers into two numbers, and add: 635 + 253 = 888 Jesus!

253 is the 22nd triangle, and number 22 stands for the number of Hebrew letters in their ancient alphabet. It is also the 7th Star number.
If we add the 4 letters of the 7th word to the sum 253 we get 635 + 2534 = 3169 which is 1 + 3168 the value of Lord Jesus Christ written in Greek!

(Image taken from www.pyramidgreenhouse.com)


The ELS Codes of Gen 1:1

The very last code is found by Bonnie Gaunt & and John Tng from fivedoves.com by using ELS (equidistant letter sequence) skips.

Bonnie Gaunt found Christ (1480) using skips of 3's & 7's in the first verse, and the adding
Notice that the 21st letter (mem 40) hits on skips of 3 & 7. Making a 37 Number, 21 is 3x7. If we exclude the repeated letter, mem (gematria value 40), then both ELS sequences equals:
 1520 - 40 = 1480 (Greek gematria of “Christ”).

This discovery inspired John Tng's discovery finding Jesus (888) using Reverse skips also:

John noticed the difference between the sequences with a skip of 3 in the forward and reverse directions is: 1348 - 497 = 851 = 23 x 37.             
The difference between the sequences with a skip of 7 in the reverse and forward directions is:
209 - 172 = 37. Both the differences are multiples of 37 and their sum equals 851 + 37 = 888Jesus

So here it is, Jesus (888) Christ (1480) coded in plain view in the original first verse of Genesis 1:1 using ELS counting. With the key number 37 as well.

Oh talking about ELS, the first ELS code found in the Bible in English is with the skip of 8:
"In the beginning god created the heaven and earth" The three letters with a skip of 8 (8-8-8) giving the code: G O D with 7-7-7 letters within between the three letters G O D. This first ELS code in the Bible has three codes encoded into itself: "God", 888 (Jesus) & 777. Absolutely Amazing.

We can clearly see that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and that God is using him to confirm himself, as Jesus confirmed God. This done with with supernatural precision in mathematics from an all-knowing God that has created the Hebrew alphabet. 


The Single Digit Codes:

Here are the Word values of Genesis 1:1 we will use here, and all codes here are found by me except for one little code. The word "God" (86) is used as an exepction to many of the codes because it is only two digit's in its sum 86. And because it is the Word "God" and it plays as an abnormality in these codes like the codes of 37's John Tng posted on Fivedoves.com here: http://www.fivedoves.com/light/jesus/JESUS_found_in_Genesis11.html He also found  Jesus codes so go to that link and read the article because it is very good and not to long.
The single digits of the four first words added = 37 (9+1+3+2+0+3+8+6+4+0+1).                  
Single digits added to middle digit of “the heaven”= 49 (7X7) (9+1+3+2+0+3+8+6+4+0+1+3+9).

Here we add all the third digits in the values for itself: (91+3) + (20+3) + (86) + (40+1) + (39+5) + (40+7) + (29+6) = 370 (37X10).
Two first words equals (91+3) + (20+3) = 117 which is (7+37+73)
Add from “God” to the last word (The earth) (86)+(40+1)+(39+5)+(40+7)+(29+6) = 253 the 22nd Triangle & the 7th star number.

here we add all the first digits except for the word “God” and switch the zeroes with the last digit and add the numbers of the values from the word “God” (86) to the last word: (86)+(4+10)+(3+95)+(4+70)+(2+96) = 370.

If we multiply the first digit with the two last digits in the value of the first word (9X13) we get 117 (discovered by John Tng)  Now what I did here is that instead of doing this with every word, I reversed it on the other words, multiplying the two first digits with the last. Now I also removed the 0’s from the word values. When done, we see a elegant design appear here:

Number 123 symbolizes either the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit or just the Holy spirit, check these two links, if you find any confirming info on which of the two let me know, but I guess Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

Here we multiply the two first digit's with the last digit. Add the sums from the 1st to the 4th word. (Here “God” (86) is not counted and is omitted):

(91X3= 273)+ 20X3= 60  + 40X1= 40 = 373 which is the 74th (37X2) prime number. Number 373 displays the two numbers 37 & 73 when read forward and in reverse.                 

Now add the next word “The Heaven”: + (39X5= 195)

Total= 373+195 = 568 (71X8). 71 is the 21st prime number when number 1 is the first prime. Now And now add the two last words:  + (40X7= 280) + (29X6= 174)

Total of all six words= 373+ 195+280+174 = 1022 = 73 X (7+7).

Here we reverse the values of the words in Genesis 1:1:

Here we add the first digit with the two last digit's : (3+19)+(3+02)+(68)+(1+04)+(5+93)+(7+04)+(6+92)  Total 22+5+68+5+98+11+98 = 307 is the reverse of 703 (37th triangle), I discovered that there is 397 when counting 307 as one to its reverse number 703.
Do this again but switch places with the zeroes and the last digit: (3+19)+(3+20)+(68)+(1+40)+(5+93)+(7+40)+(6+92)    
Total 22+23+68+41+98+47+98 = 397 (“Jesus” in Hebrew).

Here we multiply the 2 first digits with the last digit except for “God” (because it is only 2 digits):
(31X9= 279) + (30X2= 60) + (God 68) + (10X4=40) + (59X3= 177) + (70X4=280) + (69X2= 138)
Total Sum 279+60+68+40+177+280+138 = 1042 which is "Jesus" in Greek:  888 + (77X2)

So there you have it Total Proof beyond anyone's imagination compiled into the first verse of the Bible that consist's of only 7 words.

Now the traditional way of calculating chances of this in this verse is by sayng that there is 1 out 7 that there are Seven words in these verse and the chance for it's 28 letter's are also 1 out of 7. So the chance of this verse having 7 words & 28 letter equals 7X7, 1 out of 49.

Let's now calculate the odds of the 31 codes of 7, Dr. Panin found in Genesis 1:1.
The answer becomes 7 multiplied by itself 30 times! (7^30) or 1 out of 22,5 Septillion.

To see how much a septillion is check: Large numbers:
First is Million>Billion>Trillion>Quadrillion>Quintillion>Sixtillion>Septillion.

Now we can add the possibilities of the 23 combination's of number 37 found by Panin and the Number would be Much higher. And it is extremely large as it is with 22,5 Septillion which is
22,5 Trillion X 1 Trillion: 22,5 000 000 000 000 X 1 000 000 000 000.
Now i am not sayng that this is accurate to calculate this, but using the traditional mentioned mentioned above, we get this big number.

Who said that there is no Proof of God?  
Psalm 14:1 "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."

Don't forget to comment and share these wonderful findings! Best regards Alexander Marcussen from Norway; Europe. 

(Note that In the Hebrew version, the word "Created" is before the word "God" unlike the English translation.)